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Church Incorporation - February 2012


以有限责任为目的的公司实体的创建已经变得司空见惯. Individuals and groups regularly take advantage of corporations, limited liability companies, or other structures in order to limit exposure to liability, 但在过去的十年里,弗吉尼亚的一个特定群体才有了这种选择, 即教会. 维吉尼亚州的教会传统上都是由个人组成的非法人团体. The property of an unincorporated church is generally held in the name of trustees registered at the local courthouse (depending on the denomination; churches with ecclesiastical officers, catholic churches for example, often have their property titled in the name of a bishop). 在弗吉尼亚州,许多长期存在的教会继续以非法人协会的形式运作,并有受托人,新的教会继续使用这种结构形成, 尽管在过去的十年里,随着人们对这种选择的意识的传播,教会的合并正变得越来越普遍 福尔韦尔v. 米勒, 203 F.增刊.2d 624, 632 (W.D.Va. 2002). 然而, 这种结构带来了教会领袖和成员在教会活动方面承担个人责任的可能性. As with changes to anything one is comfortable with through long association, changes to one’s church can often engender fear and uncertainty. Gaining a basic understanding of the incorporation process, 这并不意味着要从根本上改变教会的结构或日常管理, can help assuage the fear and uncertainty often felt about church incorporation.

之前 福尔韦尔v. 米勒, 弗吉尼亚的教会无法合并因为弗吉尼亚宪法第4条第14(20)款如下, “大会不得授予任何教会或宗教派别法人章程...” In 2002 the aforesaid section was determined to be unconstitutional, 弗吉尼亚州法典和弗吉尼亚州公司委员会的惯例随后被修改为允许教堂合并.

当然,说一个教会可以合并比向会众或教会委员会解释这意味着什么要容易得多. Most churches have both religious and administrative functions. The most common fear of church officers, 工作人员, 教会成员们担心的是,合并的过程将会改变或破坏教会,无论是在精神上还是在行政上. 虽然涉及教会和国家的教义问题是由特定教会内部解决的问题, 实际的答案是,成立教会并不意味着对你的敬拜或教会的属灵生活有任何影响, or to subject the church to any sort of domination by the state. 教会的成立仅仅是一系列的行政程序和各种法律文件的创建,以获得一定的法律或实际的保护和教会的优势.

考虑到在殖民时代,对教会合并的历史限制是有一定道理的, 获得公司章程是一个政治过程,需要向弗吉尼亚议会提出具体的请愿书. 然而, 现代公司注册程序是通过由弗吉尼亚州公司委员会管理的非政治性行政程序开始的. 提交相对简单的公司章程,并符合一些基本法定规定,便可向SCC申领公司注册证书, along with a filing fee. SCC网站上有一个简单的表格,但它不是专门为教会设计的, 考虑成立公司的教会应该在提交公司章程之前咨询一位知识渊博的教会律师, particularly if the church intends to pursue a separate 501(c)(3) exemption, as additional specific language may be required. 应该指出的是,仅仅获得注册成立证书并不能完成注册成立教会的过程, particularly if it is an existing and operating church with a congregation and assets. 虽然成立过程当然可以用作审查教会章程的时间, 规章制度, 政策, 和程序, and as an opportunity for improvement, 这并不是要改变教会的属灵生活,也不是要扰乱教会日常的管理方式.

On the administrative side of the house, 不可能笼统地断言,教会的合并对教会的管理没有任何影响. 例如, 一旦教会成立,就会被要求向国家公司委员会提交年度报告,并支付年费, but the annual report is quite short and cursory, requiring basically that you keep up to date the address of the corporation, registered agent’s name and address, and the names and address of the officers and directors. The annual fee is only $25.00. 但是再一次, 成立为法团并不需要以任何实质性的方式改变教会的管理. 最常见的构建公司的方法就是简单地为教会设置当前的领导结构(受托人), 执事, 教会理事会, 等. depending on denomination) as the officers and directors of the corporation. Once the incorporation is complete, the church will likely have the same leaders it had before incorporation. Certain people may have some additional titles under the corporate documents, i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director, 等., 但他们的职责可能与合并前的领导结构基本相同.

合并教会的目标应该是帮助改善教会人员和会众的内心平静, 从而改善属灵成长的环境,使教会能更好地执行其使命. Although this column is far too short to address every element of church incorporation, attorneys at 皇冠搏彩APP下载 & 皇冠线上买球平台,P.C. 自从在维吉尼亚州成立公司成为一种选择以来,你曾帮助指导过许多教会完成成立公司的程序吗, 并且很乐意向你教会的会众或领导团体发表关于教会合并的问题.

写的 D. 雷森年代. 格林.